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Quality Policy
Nuhas Oman LLC is involved in the design, manufacture and supply of copper rod and wires, building wires, flexible cords, low voltage power, control and instrumentation cables, MV and HV extruded dielectric power cable up to and including 38/66(72) kV in Sultanate of Oman.
Nuhas Oman LLC is committed to:
- Fulfill applicable requirements by ensuring that customer &applicable statutory and regulatory requirements are determined, understood and consistently met.
- Enhance customer satisfaction
- Continual improvement of the QMS by addressing the risksand opportunities that can affect conformity of products and services.
Nuhas Oman LLC will strive for quality excellence through continual development of production capabilities, employment of experienced and skilled personnel, implementation of training programs to upgrade their skills and application of good working practices with object of providing globally competitive products and achieving complete customer satisfaction.
We shall review the Quality Management System, Quality Policy and Quality objectives periodically, modify & reissue them wherever necessary to ensure their suitability and relevance to the overall business objectives, strategy & the context of Nuhas Oman LLC. We are committed to spread awareness of Quality policy and objectives among the employees & organizations working for or on behalf of Nuhas Oman LLC by effective communication.
P S Gopalakrishnan
Chief Executive Officer
Date: 01/11/2017