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HSE Policy
Nuhas Oman LLC is involved in the design, manufacture and supply of copper rod and wires, building wires, flexible cords, low voltage power, control and instrumentation cable, MV and HV extruded dielectric power cables up to and including 38/66 (72) kV in the sultanate of Oman.
Nuhas Oman LLC is committed to;
- Eliminate hazards and reduce risks as low as reasonably practical via risk assessments in respect to Health, Safety and environment and employ safe technologies, operating procedures and emergency plans to prevent work related injuries and ill health.
- Reduce waste through reuse and recycling and purchasing recycled, recyclable or re-furbished products and materials where these alternatives are available, economical and suitable so as to protect environment and prevent pollution to the maximum extent.
- Operate in compliance with all relevant health, safety and environment legal and other requirements in the areas of operation.
- Promote efficient use of materials and resources throughout our facility including water, electricity, raw materials and other resources, particularly those that are non-renewable.
- Ensure participation and consultation of employees including workers in health safety and environment matters where ever it is required.
- Promote health safety and environment culture among employees and encourage them to work in safe and environmentally responsible manner by imparting training, education and information about health, safety and environment issues that may affect their work.
- Strive to continually improve health, safety and environment management system to enhance HSE performance and minimize social impact and damage by periodically reviewing health, safety and environment policy in light of our current and planned future activities.
P S Gopalakrishnan
Chief Executive Officer
Date: 31/10/2020