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NuhasOman is committed to excellence in the management of health, safety, environment and labor practices. We are committed to promoting and protecting the welfare of our employees through “Safety First” work practices and providing a healthy workplace. Nuhas also ensures compliance with the laws and regulations of the land.
Nuhas achieves this because we:
- Identify and eliminate or mitigate occupational health and safety hazards/risks
- Report, manage and learn from injuries, illnesses and high risk potential incidents
- Encourage and support our employees to participate in programs which enhance their health, safety and well-being,
- Foster and maintain a positive safety culture, behaviour, and awareness within the workplace
- Prepare for and effectively respond to emergencies and crises,
- Actively engage with and monitor contractors and suppliers so that they understand and respect our occupational health and safety standards.
- Apply a proactive risk-management approach to minimizing impacts and safeguarding the environment
- Foster and maintain an environmentally responsible culture, behaviour, and awareness within the workplace,
- No tolerance for discrimination or harassment and treat all employees fairly, and
- Provide appropriate training and employee development opportunities.
- Collaboration with educational institutions in imparting training to youth
Nuhas Oman endeavors to be a responsible corporate citizen and fulfills its responsibilities through its Corporate Social Responsibility initiatives, which include
- Support to social groups and activities,
- Encouragement and strengthening of domestic supply chain
- Enhanced in-country value and use of national resources
- Contributing to the development of national infrastructure